Passover Remembered

Reprinted from The Common Good, No 32, Lent 2005

Pack nothing.

Bring only

your determination

to serve and

your willingness to be free.

Only surrender to the need

of the time – to love

justice and walk humbly

with your God.

Set out in the dark.

I will send fire

to warm and encourage you.

I will be with you in the fire

and I will be with you in the cloud.

You will learn to eat new food

and find refuge in new places.

I will give you dreams in the desert

to guide you safely home to that place

you have not seen.

The stories you tell

one another around the fires

in the dark will make you

strong and wise.

You will get to where you are going

by remembering who you are.

Touch each other and keep telling stories.

—Alla Bozarth-Campbell